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Your regular donations, no matter what the amount, will be a tremendous help.  So thank you in advance for your support!

Regular giving could be monthly, termly, quarterly, annually or whatever works for you.  Even relatively small amounts, that you might not really miss, will add up over time and provide a regular income stream that gives us extra confidence when deciding how best to use your generous gifts to support children and the school.  


Set up your regular giving today by:

1. Using our online Giving Form
2) Set up a standing order via online banking
3) Donate regularly using SchoolComms
4) If you prefer pen and paper, download a paper copy of our Giving Form


1) Use our online Giving Form 


This is our preferred option as it provides, in one place, all the facilities you need to set up a single or regular donation to the Pressing Needs Fund including Gift Aid. 

As your donations will go to the Pressing Needs Fund, It allows us to focus on key priorities, be they to support individual pupils or, say, the chapel preservation project.

It is administered by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), a charity set up to provide charities like ours with an online donation platform to raise funds and manage donations and gift aid in a secure and professional manner.

2) Set up a standing order via online banking

Our bank details (it is a business account) are:

Account name: RWS FOUNDATION
Sort code: 20-98-08

Account number: 90839094
IBAN: GB92BARC209808908390

Reference: Your initials and surname

Gift Aid: If you wish to add Gift Aid and increase your donation by 25% at no cost to you, please complete and submit the RWSF online Gift Aid declaration form, below.

On that form you can specify how you want your donation(s) to be used.  See WHAT WE DO for further information.  We ask you to consider giving the Trustees the flexibility to use your donations to meet pressing needs unless you wish your donations to go for a specific purpose.

If you do not wish to add Gift Aid, please use the RWS Foundation Website Enquiry Form in the "Contact Us" section, or email, to let us know you've donated, so we can acknowledge your donation. 


RWSF online Gift Aid declaration

Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you.

Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. Your address is needed to identify you as a current UK taxpayer.
In order to Gift Aid your donation you must tick one of the boxes below.

Select one of the following

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Please notify The Royal Wolverhampton School Foundation (email or use the Website Enquiry Form in the Contact Us page) if you:
* want to cancel this declaration
* change your name or home address
* no longer pay sufficient tax on your income or capital gains.

If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.



3) Donate regularly using SchoolComms

To make it as easy as possible for parents and other users of the SchoolComms App, a special payment request ‘Donations to the RWS Foundation’ allows you to make donations using the App. 

We can claim Gift Aid on each eligible donation of up to £30.  Making regular payments, under that limit, via SchoolComms, can be a convenient way for you to contribute to the Foundation's important work and still have the Government increase your donations by 25%, free of charge under the Gift Aid small donations scheme. 

All funds go to the RWS Foundation Pressing Needs Fund to further its work in supporting the school and its pupils.  See WHAT WE DO for details.  At present, our key priority is the preservation, and then enhancement, of the school chapel.


4) If you prefer pen and paper, download our Giving Form

Click on the form below to open it, so you can download it and complete the form offline.  

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions by using the RWS Foundation Website Enquiry Form in the "Contact Us" section, or call on 01902 341230 and ask for the Royal Wolverhampton School Foundation.

Thank you for your support.